Hello, I'm Erin Mei Matheny

Geologist and Developer

Featured Portfolio

Application Tracker

Full stack appication built with sequelize and React.js where users can register and log jobs for which they have applied
GitHub Repo

Nutrition Tracker

Full-Stack application for logging nutrition information for your favorite foods
GitHub Repo


Full-Stack e-commerce site built with React.js
GitHub Repo

Covid Case Tracker

Responsive front end application using a third party api to track and display covid-19 case statistics
GitHub Repo


Compeleted December 2020

Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp

6 Month Full-Stack web development bootcamp where I learned JavaScript, Node.js, React.js, Express, RESTful API, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, Bootstrap, HTML and CSS

Graduated August 2017

Bachelor of Science, Geology

Completed field work in Red Lodge and Dillon Montana.

University of Houston


March 2019 - Present

Geoscientist, X-Ray Diffraction Specialist

Geoscientist specializing in X-Ray Diffraction and mineralogy. Performed qualitative analysis of samples and generated inputs for mineralogical neural network.

Premier Oilfield Group
November 2017 - March 2019

Labratory Technician

Prepared, tested, and interpreted thousands of samples for proprietary and internal projects.

Premier Oilfield Group

About Me

Currently, I am a geoscientist specializing in mineralogy and X-Ray Diffraction. I am a recent graduate from DigitalCrafts full stack development bootcamp. I have a passion for problem solving and enjoy working in teams. My technical background and leadership experience allow me to see problems for what they are and work well with others to develop solutions.


Get In Touch

My Contact Details

  • Email Erin_m713@yahoo.com
  • Phone 832 641 2463
  • Address Houston, TX